Blue Dot Country Information
© UNHCR/Zsolt Balla
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Look in the map to find the nearest Blue Dot and all the active Blue Dots in Slovakia.
Search for information and organizations active in Slovakia, through the below sections.
See how you and persons you are traveling with can stay safe during your journey.
Provide us with feedback and/or complaints and flag harmful behaviours you or any of the persons traveling with you witnessed or suffered from.
For more information about general services for refugees in Slovakia and for persons fleeing Ukraine into Slovakia, please consult the UNHCR Help page for Slovakia.
Information and services in Slovakia
Legal Stay
- Information on legal stay and residence in Slovakia
- Information on legal stay and residence in Slovakia for those without Ukrainian citizenship
- Applying for Temporary Protection in Slovakia
- Ministry of Interior temporary protection registration
- Applying for asylum in Slovakia
Work, livelihood and cash assistance
Hotlines for additional cash assistance for those with disabilities/ or serious medical condition in need of a carer
- UNICEF & UNHCR Hotline for carers of children: 0800 22 12 30 / +421 2 22 11 56 50 (Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00)
- IOM Hotline for adults: 0800 500 099 (Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00-14.00) / 0800 500 100 (Monday, Thursday and Friday 9.00-14.00) / [email protected]
Medical care, psychological help and disability support
Information on health care in Slovakia:
- https://helpukraine.sk/health-care/
- https://www.ukraineslovakia.sk/en/practical-information/health-care/
Information on psychological support in Slovakia
Information on how and where to get vaccinated and vaccinate your child. Vaccines are critical to keep your child protected from dangerous diseases such as polio and measles. If you are in Slovakia, you can vaccinate your child for free in any health facility. Find a health clinic nearby and register with a health provider that will help you follow your child’s health. Bring your temporary protection document with you. Note that proof of vaccination is mandatory for school enrollment in Slovakia.
- Childhood vaccination:
- COVID-19 vaccination
Health Line for Ukraine providing a quick medical consultation with a range of specialists in Ukrainian
- available daily from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. by phone at +421 2 21 02 50 75 and online at diagnose.me.
- Crisis line of People in Danger and in need of Counselling: Ipcko The service is available in Ukrainian (open 8.00 – 20.00)
- 0800 500 888
- For more information
- Mental Health League Helpline “Nezábudka:
- 0800 222 450 (13.00 – 21.00)
- More information
UNICEF supported Health care center. Provides a team of doctors (pediatricians and general practitioners) from Ukraine andSlovakia and provides prevention and treatment services as well as the evaluation required for school enrollment in Slovakia.
- Address: Rovniankova 1, Bratislava – Petržalka (Monday to Friday from 8 am to 1 pm; Adult consultation is provided on Tuesday from 12 pm to 5 pm, and child consultation is offered on Thursday from 12 pm to 5 pm. No appointtment is required)
- For more information, visit the clinic Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Амбулаторний-прийом-для-дітей-та-дорослих-з-України-Братиславський-край-103023332409462/
UNICEF Children’s Safety line: a free and anonymous service for all children and youth in Slovakia aged 0-18 years old, available 24/7:
- 116 111
- More information is available at: http://www.ldi.sk/
- or at the website: http://www.pomoc.sk/
- CARITAS Slovakia – Slovak Catholic Charity provides emergency and reintegration support through psychological, medical, legal, material assistance, and safe accommodation for potential victims of human trafficking
- Address
- Bratislava: Kapitulská 18, 815 14 (we recommend making an appointment in advance, the capacity to travel to see the victim is also available in western and central Slovakia) (Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 16:00)
- Prešov: Hlavná 2, 080 01, (better to make an appointment in advance)
- Address
- EQUITA provides medical and psychosocial support, including sexual and reproductive health services, assistance to survivors of gender-based violence, LGBTQI+ community and people with disabilities.
- Helpline: +421 948 339 647
- Email: [email protected].
- Address: Health Centre Rovniankova, Rovniankova 1, 851 02, Bratislava
- Website: https://bratislavskykraj.sk/ukrajina-zdravotna-starostlivost/?fbclid=IwAR2K45jmtirfZ40CsSp_Z6978N1gn_WhgN5OucrSmZl9qlfAUp5EGc8wB1A
- Facebook page + Messenger: Амбулаторний прийом для дітей та дорослих з України Братиславський край (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082853936580 )
- Languages supported: Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian
Information on housing and accommodation in Slovakia
- https://helpukraine.sk/housing/
- https://www.ukraineslovakia.sk/en/practical-information/accommodation/
Education and childcare
- Play and learning spaces that offer early childhood education, play, learning, parent/caregiver support and social integration.
- Offered by Wide Open School:
- Košice: Základná škola Tomášikova 31, Košice
- Prešov: Spojená škola T. Ševčenka s vyučovacím jazykom ukrajinským, Sládkovičova 4,
- Žilina: Vural – Camp Žilina, Alexandra Rudnaya 21
- Spišská Nová Ves: Základná škola, Hutnícka 16
- Poprad: Spišská Katolícka charita, Centrum podpory, Nábrežie Jána Pavla II. 438/15
- Tatranská Lomnica: Vzdelávacie a doškoľovacie zariadenie VS – Financie, Tatranská Lomnica č. 128
- Offered at accommodation centres:
- Gabčíkovo accommodation centre: Dunajská ulica 8, Gabčíkovo
- Offered by the City of Bratislava
- [Forthcoming]
- Offered by Wide Open School:
- The Bebbo app is a free mobile application developed by UNICEF for parents of young children (0-6 years old) with tools and expert advice on supporting your child’s basic needs. The App is available in Ukrainian. Download Bebbo from GooglePlay or the App Store
- Information on the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ‘Children’s group’ service (available in Slovak only for the time being). The ‘Children’s Group’ service is an opportunity to offer childcare in a group setting (maximum of four children, up until pre-primary education age) with a subsidy from the Government.
Social assistance
- Information on State benefits for Materiel Need Benefits: Useful information for citizens of Ukraine > ÚPSVaR (gov.sk)
Safety, protection and legal aid
General Helplines
- UNHCR and UNICEF Helpline
- 0800 22 12 30(Toll-Free) or +421 2 22 11 56 50.
- Emergency Cash Assistance for People Fleeing Ukraine: https://t.me/unhcr_slovakia
Human and Child Trafficking Protection
- National Helpline for Victims of Human Trafficking: The national human trafficking helpline provides information and support to victims / those ‘at risk’ of trafficking and is operated for free:
- 0800 800 818
- Mon-Fri 08:00 – 20:00
- Email: [email protected]
- Information Centre for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and for Crime Prevention
- Drieňová 22, 826 86 Bratislava, Slovakia
- Tel: +421 2 4859 2244, +421 2 4859 2703, +421 2 4859 2707
- National Unit for Combating Illegal Migration and Trafficking Human Beings
- Kamil Pinček – Director
- Ružinovská 1/B, 812 72, Bratislava
- Slovak Catholic Charity
- Tel.: +421 2 5443 15 06
- Mob: +421 910 842 667
- Emergency Contacts:
112 – General Emergency Number
158 – Police
The State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic is the National Anti-trafficking Coordinator who covers the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) in Slovakia and chairs the Expert Group for the field of combating trafficking in human beings:
Mr Vendelín Leitner
State Secretary of Ministry of Interior – National Anti-trafficking Coordinator
Pribinova 2, 812 72, Bratislava
Legal Aid
- Information on legal assistance available in Slovakia:
- Organizations providing legal support in Slovakia
- Human Rights League (HRL) (prior appointment needed)
- Ukraine Helpline: 0800 222 350 (Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 17:00)
- Mobile: +421 918 366 968
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Website: hrl.sk
- Locations:
- Nová Cvernovka: Račianska 80, 831 02, Bratislava, (1st floor), doors 119 and 120 (Mon-Thurs, 9.00-17.00)
- Bratislava: VKC Bottova (Mon-Fri 8.00-19.00)
- Košice Integration Center: Strojárenská 3, Košice (appointment needed in advance) Mon-Fri: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00
- : +421 918 857 715 (HRL Kosice)
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://integracne-centrum.reservio.com/
- Human Rights League (HRL) (prior appointment needed)
- Slovak National Centre for Human Rights (SNSLP)
- Website: https://www.snslp.sk/
- Email: [email protected] (Ukraine situation), [email protected] (general) [email protected] (general)
- Languages supported: Slovak, English in all offices, Ukrainian, and Russian only in Bratislava (consultations can be done over the phone through Bratislava office)
- Locations and working hours
- Banská Bystrica: Kapitulská 12, 974 01
- Mon-Fri: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- : +421 918 370 002
- Košice: Hlavná 68, 040 01
- Mon-Fri: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- : +421 5 5230 4121
- Žilina: Na priekope 174/13, 010 01
- Mon-Fri: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- : +421 918 479 091
- Bratislava: Laurinská 18, 811 01
- Mon-Thu: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 15:00
- Fri: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- : +421 2 208 501 21, +421 2 208 501 26.
- Banská Bystrica: Kapitulská 12, 974 01
- Lawyers for Refugees
- Pro-bono lawyers for refugees from Ukraine (filter by Town and Language skills)
- Non-pro-bono asylum-specialized lawyers (filter by Town and Language skills)
- Information Office for Victims of Crime
- Information on Contact points and phone numbers:
- Languages supported: Slovak – Interpretation to other languages can be arranged (appointment to be done in advance).
- Email: [email protected]
- The Legal Aid Centre offers legal counseling and representation for people in material need, including refugees. It is advised to make an appointment in advance.
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.centrumpravnejpomoci.sk/
- Opening hours:
- Mon: 8:00 – 12:00 and 12:30 – 15:00
- Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 and 12:30 – 16:00
- Locations
- Bratislava: Račianska 71, 810 05
- Banská Bystrica: Skuteckého 30, 97401
- Žiar nad Hronom: SNP 613/124, 96501
- Rimavská Sobota: Čerenčianska 20, 97901
- Nitra: Štefánikova trieda 26, 94903
- Komárno: Župná 14, 94501
- Žilina: O. Hviezdoslava 6, 01100
- Liptovský Mikuláš: Kollárova 2, 03101
- Tvrdošín: Medvedzie 132, 02744
- Košice: Murgašova 3, 04041
- Prešov: Masarykova 10, 08001
- Humenné: Lipová 1, 06601
- Svidník: hrdinov 102, 08901
- Trnava: Pekárska 11, 91701
- Additional consultation facilities of the Legal Aid Centre can be used by appointment – with locations and phone numbers available here:
- Rezervácia termínu | Centrum právnej pomoci (centrumpravnejpomoci.sk)
Mental health and psychosocial support
- Mental Health League helpline, NEZABUDKA, provides counselling by trained professionals available in Ukrainian
- 0800 800 566
- Crisis helpline Ipcko provides free and anonymous psychological support for young people. The service is available in Ukrainian.
- 0800 500 333
- Confidence Line for psychological aid provides crisis intervention for adults, operating on Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM, Saturday – Sunday 24 hours.
- 055/622 23 23.
- For family and emergency situations call Hope Line
- 055/644 11 55.
- VICTIM SUPPORT SLOVAKIA (Pomoc obetiam násilia) is a free, 24/7 helpline focusing on helping victims of domestic violence, malefaction and crime prevention. It provides discreet assistance to victims and their loved ones and to people who have a reasonable fear of becoming a victim of crime.
- 0850 111 321
- Coordinating-Methodical Centre for gender-based and domestic violence operates a free National Helpline for Women Experiencing Violence as a confidential and safe space for women who are at risk of or experiencing violence.
- 0800 212 212
- Emergency phone numbers:
- 112 – General emergency number (It works in every EU country and you can call the nearest center of the integrated rescue system.)
- 158 – Police
- 150 – Firefighters
- 155 – Emergency medical service (ambulance)
- 159 – City police
- 18 155 – Air rescue service
- 0850 111 313 – Rescue line – medical advice on how to provide first aid in an emergency.
Child protection and children helplines
General Helplines
- UNHCR and UNICEF Helpline
- 0800 22 12 30(Toll-Free) or +421 2 22 11 56 50.
Human and Child Trafficking Protection
- National Helpline for Victims of Human Trafficking: The national human trafficking helpline provides information and support to victims / those ‘at risk’ of trafficking and is operated for free:
- 0800 800 818
- Mon-Fri 08:00 – 20:00
- Email: [email protected]
Mental health and psychosocial support
- UNICEF Children’s Security line: a free and anonymous service for all children and youth in Slovakia aged 0-18 years old, available 24/7:
- 116 111
- More information available at: http://www.ldi.sk/
Protection of children and families/Gender based violence:
- In case of identification of an unaccompanied child, please contact the Office of Border and Foreign Police or the nearest Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (OLSAF).
- Office of Border and Foreign Police (Úrad hraničnej a cudzineckej polície) dial +421 961 050 701 or email [email protected].
- Find the contact for the OLSAF in your region or call a helpline 0800 191 222 in case of reporting abuse or neglection of a child.
- For family and emergency situations call Hope Line
- 055/644 11 55.